Tuesday, June 24, 2014

long time...

   I'm so sorry I haven't posted. I haven't been able to think right for awhile. 

   We had this end of the year school party with our parents there and everything. Kind of like a promotion ceremony to just have fun for next year. Well afterwards was a dance, and I was sure I'd catch Caleb's attention. My hair was in ringlets and my dress was light, and went just above my knees in a cream color that set off my sun tan skin. For the first time I felt pretty. I walked in and it felt like a Cinderella story, everybody looked. Lizzy looked amazing as well, like a princess. I went to my place in line which was across from Lizzy, and awaited the dance. After the "Promotion Ceremony" was over the dance begun. Us girls took off our shoes and rocked out to the DJ, the first slow song came on, "A thousand Years" By Christina Perri, which is one of my favorite songs. I cross my fingers and pray Caleb asks me. I'm on my toes searching for him excitement overtakes me, I'm sure he'll ask. I turn around and see his hands on this pretty, rich, talented girls waist. I wish I could dislike her but sadly, she's a nice person as far as I know. I couldn't speak or even breath. My friend who I had been goofing around with (she had no idea I liked him) knew something was wrong. I felt the color drain from my face and soon I wanted to be alone so I could cry, which RARELY happens. My mood was in the dump after that, no more excitement, I had to force laughter out and my smiles were fake as well. But the worst part is that Caleb had been frequently talking to me, before he would glance at me in the hallway and not say a word, I wondered what I did wrong. He began talking to me just a week before school ended and I began thinking (hoping) he liked me.  

     Another slow song came on "All Of Me" and I was once again standing next to my friend. Caleb walked by me to the bathroom. When he came back he stared at me as he was walking in my direction. My heart started pounding and it burst when he walked right past me. Should I just have ask'd him? would that ruin our friendship? now when I hear those songs I just get sad and depressed I hate it. I hate love. I hate stupid school dances. Why did I ever get my hopes up? I knew it would just lead to another aching heart.

~Love, Ronan

Sunday, June 22, 2014

I have an obsession.

I don't really tell people about my infatuation of mermaids very often, since I am afraid of them thinking I'm silly. Because the gorgeous marine creatures are often associated with little girls. But I still think about them quite a lot, and I like to tell myself that I am a mermaid, because I love to swim and swim until my leg cramps up, and then I like to swim some more. The ocean intrigues and excites me. And when I was born, our grandpa said that I would be a great swimmer, what with my big feet. 

So, naturally, I tried to make my own tails in the past. The first had the wrong blend of fabric. I accepted that one as trash. Then I made the next one. Perfect fabric blend. But the beautiful, shiny blue coating turns gray after exposure to the water and I'm so mad! I spent $10 per yard and for what? I have placed my faith in professionally made tails and their wonderful fabric I'd way better than anything I could have gotten my hands on, and knowing that makes me happy again.

Anyways, I'm going to dye my hair blue and make a mermaid ask blog on tumblr.


Thursday, May 22, 2014

quick message.

Hey if you amazing people could go to our posts and click "share to Google" on your favorites we would very much appreciate it :) we thank you all for your support and love that you have shown us just by reading the blog. 
~Ronan and Lizzy
This is the button on the bottom left hand corner!!>>

Wassup babes!

Posting is so complicated :S Life has been so busy! people and everything :( im sorry lovelies we are getting behind, and Lizzy is here to, say hi Lizzy! Hi.  (She's a butt crack, HEY! It's true...) Oh gosh yesterday was stupid. So my friend was really upset because her other friend was really mad at her, well turns out on the bus when she was talking crap about her friend, her friends big sister was behind us and heard EVERYTHING. oops. You know what I'm really happy about? The play. Because it's finally over! I'm very glad, even though I made many new friends, I also made enemies... oh, Alice, if only you weren't such a poor excuse for a human being... and your friends, too, why did you drag them into this? Whatever. At least I don't have to see you anymore. Well arent you just a Dandy person. Well Alice is actually really nice to everyone. Don't know what you did to tick her off but it worked :) Do you guys believe in ghosts? Lizzy doesn't but I do. Ghosts are kind of "attracted" to me. It's weird. I can't like talk to them but if I go to a haunted place the ghost, sooner or later WILL make itself known to me. I don't like it D:

~Ronan and Lizzy

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Spread the word you lovely freaks!

Okay I know Ronan posted but we thought we should tell all of you out there to spread the word of our blog! we love all of you guys reading and really thank you all for your support!

~Ronan & Lizzy

Thanks to all of you who have read during the history of out blog


      Why does Caleb have to be so dang amazing? His face is perfect. I have enrichment with him which is like zero period, and he sits a row across from me so I get to see a side profile of his face everyday. Sometimes he turns and looks at me and I look away before we just sit there staring at each other for seconds to long which is what always happens. Nick is confused now. He thinks he likes me because he's trying to get over this one girl that he has liked for a long time. I don't care I just hope he figures out what he wants. 

       Gosh sometimes I hate weekends. I end up missing Caleb in the worse way. All I wanna do is be in his presence. I'm not one of those girls whom wants to "sleep with him" all I honestly wanna do with him is curl up and watch a movie together. Maybe fall asleep but not in the way where its sex, just where we're together ya know? Ugh. This brat Stacy, whom is a little rich girl, well it was her birthday and guess who parked the slut on wheels bus outside our school? yup Stacy. she literally had a party bus WITH strip poles and kept posting videos on snap chat of her and her friends twerking on the poles in their little booty shorts that barely covered their butts. When did america fill with little rich brats who only care about themselves. Help me. I'm surrounded by idiots.


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Bet you all thought I was dead.

(For the record, I did NOT hug that monster on our birthday. Ronan may have wanted me to, but by no means will I ever give him the satisfaction of forgiveness.)
Lizzy wil be mad that i'm adding my own writing to her post, but she did hug him. He came up to her and they hugged that's it. nothing more nothing less.

I haven't posted in ages. Oh, well. I've been caught up in that play and the science fair and what not. I still don't like being a munchkin-winkie. I went to a con, too. I cosplayed Koizumi from SDR2. People actually took pictures with me this time. :D

Anyways, I really didn't have a particular reason to write a post. Ronan was pestering me about it, so I'm writing for her sake. I'm kind of antsy, though, since I have an important test tomorrow and I still haven't studied!

I should probably do that.


Who am I kidding I'll do it later

She never studied.

Monday, April 14, 2014


We've been inactive about this whole thing. I'm so sorry guys! I still love you! Just got off spring break, and we've been kind of busy.

 Do ya'll remember Nick? If not I wrote about him a few posts back titled "Lizzy sucks at posting". Well he confessed to liking me. He told me that he thought I was amazing, and beautiful. I had no idea what to say. I told him about Caleb, and how this won't change anything, that he's still my best friend, but I don't like him this way! I have to go, I'll tell Lizzy to post>


Saturday, March 22, 2014


Last night I had the oddest of dreams... I was sitting in a room at a table. Caleb was there and he was sitting next to me facing me, our friend were on the other side of the table. I was drawing pictures on my napkin during lunch and he grabbed the pen, he didnt say anything. He wrote in sloppy handwritting "I like you" I looked up to see his face two inches from mine. I grabbed the pen and wrote "I like you too." he looked up and smiled. When he left to go get food, our friends asked "what did he write that made him happy?" I just gently folded up the napkin smiling and slipped it in my pocket as I said "nothing" I found him walking to the lunch line so I strolled next to him. I said "do you want to tell our friend or do you want me too?" he said he would. I looked up and saw the side profile of his face and smiled. Then school was over, infront of the building when he was leaving, he wrapped me in his arms and held me for a second. Well I'm guessing our friends knew now. He then leaned in so close I could feel his breath and said "see you tomarrow." he then released me and walked off. Then I woke up all giddy, then I was sad because it didnt actually happen. When I saw him at school today all I could think of was his breath giving me goose bumps, The note in my pocket. He kept glancing at me in the hallway, And I kept thinking of my dream.

Nick wame, I asked him why he is friends with me so he said "cause your diffrent, your not like other girls, and your pretty and hilarious." It was so sweet :) Then he said he'd dreamed about me, but it meant "nothing" ;) okay nick. suuuuuuuure. I need sleep. Maybe I'll dream about Caleb..... Good night freaks, Love you!!!!

sweet dream *kisses*

P.S my schools having a spring formal....maybe Caleb will be there....

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My birthday :)

      My my my. Guess who turned 16 and totally forgot about posting? well it's March 18 so im just a few days late :) My mom threw this big party and invited all our (mostly Lizzy's cause im a loner) friends, well I got bored and I slipped away for part of it, and guess who else I discovered? My baby brother Toby :) we hid in this little space I have in my room that mom has yet to discover, its under my carpet and its a small hide out I go into. Well me and Toby went in there and just talked like old times. He puts himself out there to seem so tough and make himself seem so strong, when really, he's just a 14 year old boy who is scared of no fitting in. It's moments like that, that I realize how pressure can really change you, maybe that's why dad was the way he was. 

      Speaking of my daddy dearest, he came. Right before the party. He has only left cards on our birthday's or called but when he came I could tell Lizzy missed him. she hugged him and I think she was trying hard not to cry, I didn't cry, I saw him and yes I did run to his arms, he smelt of cigarettes and coffee. Just like old times. My mom hugged him, I know she still loves him and he still loves her, she just had to do what was right for us. Toby doesn't realize that he's turning into our father, he hates our dad. He saw him and punched him right in the nose when he tried to hug him, called him unpleasant names, flipped him off then walked right out the door. Our mom ran to the door and was yelling at Toby outside making many hand gestures, Toby hugged her than left. I don't know where he went but later he texted me and made sure dad was gone before coming back. He wasn't stoned and he didn't look like he had been fooling around... When we ditched the party I asked him about it and he just said he had to think. He truly did look sad, which made him look years older. We started talking about our father and he started to get upset (don't tell anybody about this) he started crying, so I held him like I used to when Dad got upset, and when he calmed down we went up stairs, he met one of Liz's bratty rich friends and, again ditched the party, but I truly don't think they were just talking. That kids got problems. So I had a great birthday party :) 


Friday, March 7, 2014

Thank you!!!!

Ronan and Lizzy here! we have a big thanks to all of you reading this blog!
205-United States

Love you guys!
~Ronan and Lizzy

Thursday, March 6, 2014

I don't really want to visit the wizard, honestly...

Our school hosts a play every year. Auditions are held. Positions are given.

Now let me tell you: I am a center stage kind of actress. I do not like to hang around behind the scenes -- or to the side of the scene. No, I like to speak loudly, to use my voice. To play a part.

Not be a flying monkey-munchkin-winkie.

And that's exactly what I am. It's not like I failed the auditions or anything, I just didn't show up to them. So they assigned me a background part. Not a word will escape my lips, except for the group songs. And I do not want to be a part of a group. I want to be a star.

So you can probably see my dilemma. I hate my parts, and practice is long and slow. I have to silently revel in my jealousy of Dorothy and the Lion and the witches. I know it's my fault for not showing up to the audition, but nonetheless, I can hardly stand it. The thing is, I tried to quit. Twice. But each time, I got too nervous. I would say "nothing," or "nevermind," and sadly go back to my seat.

I have five friends in drama,  and whenever I tell them that I want to quit, they beg me to stay. And our mother wants me to stay in, too, since one of the shows is on her birthday, and she wants to see it then. It makes me feel terrible for wanting to quit.

What do I do?!

-Flying monkey-munchkin-weenie
 Don't scribble out the weenie you weenie. Love ya sister!!! *kisses*~Ronan

Theres such a thing as respect.

So there is this funny site called omegle you can talk to strangers, I don't give any personal information except for a fake email that I made in case I meet a cool person. Well this dip wad thought he was something special so here's our conversation...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
me: hi
Stranger: m or f
me: im a freaking princess
Stranger: ok how old r u
me: you tell me first Mr.Hotshot
Stranger: i'm 17
me: im not
Stranger: u r
me: not
Stranger: how old
me: 15
Stranger: ok ru a virgin\
me: why in the name of freaking hades would you care?
Stranger: do u want to suck my cock
me: your an ass you know that/
me: you dont go around saying that. A girl is not a peice of meat. Go to this blog, there might be post about you soon.
me: http://ronanandlizzy.blogspot.com/
Stranger: fuck u bitch
me: im good but thanks for asking :)
Stranger has disconnected.

He thought he was so cool. Hopefully he is reading this right now, in that case he needs to go get a life. I don't get on that site to "hookup", I go on to see just how people truly are its hilarious. And for anybody who wants to go on that site, don't use the video, you'll just end up with some creep. But woman are not a piece of meat you can have sex with and then throw them aside. Treat them with respect because someday you'll piss of the right girl and you're gonna wish you hadn't. I don't know why Lizzy is so inactive on here, I know we live together but I haven't seen much of her. And by the way, if your the dip wad who I was talking to on omegle then you better learn something from this because eventually you will have to grow up and what then? will you be 80 and getting blow jobs from 18 year old? you can just go play with yourself jerk. Anybody else reading this can have a great day :) if your a guy reading this,  learn something from that brat I got to talk to because someday you will hurt a girl like me and well there's nothing we do better than revenge ;)


Wednesday, March 5, 2014


     Life is so stressful. Like your carrying a burden, the burden is a small ball of clay, and each mistake another piece gets added on to the small bead, if there is a super horrible mistake, the chunk of  clay added will get bigger. It's like nobody can take your "Clay Ball" from you once you've gotten that tiny bead, people can try but sooner or later, once your carrying the huge ball that get's so heavy, they give up on even trying. For all of you whom have read "The Titans Curse" in the Percy Jackson series, it's like when Percy and Annabeth hold the sky, the clay gets heavy and soon your left at the breaking point. Right now I wish I was on a river, floating aimlessly, while the current flowed over my skin and took me away.

To me, the best feeling IS when im in the water, we have this family vacation trailer, on a river a few hours away from our house in Oregon, and we'd float down the river and stop at little "Islands" as me and Lizzy would call them. The slow and steady current running past me as the hot sun made the water light up green and holding my breath for as long as possible just to stay in that world I've created around me. It's like when i'm in the water, everything above surface get's left behind once your in the water. If I could I would stay there forever, It's the most peaceful place I could ever be. Winter is dark and depressing, while in the Summer it's so hard to be mad. I cant wait for late June when the sun is baking down on me and I can think for awhile in the water. :)


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Lizzy sucks at posting.

      Maybe that's because she has plans, and I sit around listening to music and eating ice cream. Yup that's it. I hate boys. I hate people. So I mentioned the guy I like alot, Well now he's avoiding me. I've confronted him about it. Like I've seen him glancing at me in the hallway but he denies avoiding me. Just tell me the truth. Gosh. I mean he's my best friend and I just miss hanging out with him, you know? This other guy, who is 17 likes me and cares about me alot. I know because he told Liz and Liz showed me the text, but I just don't like this guy like that you know? Like I really do care about him but not in the way he wants me to. My best friend/crush, his name is Caleb, and my FRIEND who has other feelings, his name is Nick. But it's like when I’m with Caleb I can be myself, I’m free from others plans for me, he paints his skies his own kind of blue, he opens my eyes and helps me to realize what I want in life, I miss our friendship. When I’m not with him, his laugh fills my ears his smile can make a rainy day sunny. In a crowd of people I always search for him, I know how he walks, how he laugh, and if he's there, I can even pick him out of a crowd of a million people. I fell hard for him 4 months ago; legend says that I’m in love. I've seen him in the hallway staring right at me. One time when I confronted him, he said he was sorry if he ever hurt me, he should be sorry I mean, he's tearing my world apart, can't he see what he's doing to me? He's killing me for goodness sakes. He hasn't talked to me in almost a month. One day this guy was being a total jerk to me and class ended and we had been in the library working, so I stormed out and into the hallway in tears about what the jerk had said to me, and there was Caleb leaning on the wall his eyes closed. He looked over at me and I could see he knew that something was wrong, he straightened up to come over to me, but the teacher made him come in, we sat there staring at each other for a minute as the tears ran down my cheeks and life went on around me. All I wanted to do was go to him, be in a separate room with him and just cry, cry about the bully's, cry about "my daddy dearest." I wanted him to hug me while I wept. But we all know that won't ever happen. 

   Why does stuff like this happen? Why can't I just get up the nerve to tell him how I feel? Oh wait I did. He said sorry. He's not sorry. He never was. But yet when I need somebody to talk to I always run to him. I thought I knew him like the back of my hand, I've been giving out chances but all he does is let me down. Should I just give up?


Monday, February 24, 2014

I can't wait to turn 16.

    I am so excited for our birthday, which just so happens to be on March 13 =) Most people want to go to parties and get drunk or get laid maybe even smoke some weed, No. I want to be able to drive a few blocks away to McDonald's and get a big mac and a McFlurry, fries would be good to. I am also not like ordinary people. But who knows what Liz over here would do ;) she's the normal one in the family and she DOES enjoy to party. Not irresponsibly! I wouldn't drink or BA FREAKING LONEY! I have seen you drink before, you can't lie to me babe. I have never drank before! Back to MY post, she's lying. so I would prefer if March 13 could come around so I CAN GET FREAKING ICE CREAM. THAT'S ALL I WANT. ICE CREAM. 

   Now in comment to Lizzy's last post, you would also have to serve Ice cream in you're van because a world without ice cream might make me commit suicide. Liz is fighting for the keyboard but im being mean :) love ya *kisses* 


Saturday, February 22, 2014

The perfect strategy for the apocalypse

During the first few days of impending doom, you're most likely to be in a panic to find nutritious foods and other useful supplies like first aid and water purification. But one thing most people are sure to overlook in the scramble is the sweet, delicious sugar.

"The apocalypse is no time for frivolous things like that!" Well you may have your point, think about it: it's perfect for reducing stress and you're sure to have plenty of that. But it is also addictive and wonderful tasting. Everyone is going to be stressed out and thinking, "I could KILL for a candy bar." That's your signal to roll up in your armored van an say, "I have candy."

No, you're not trying to kidnap them. But since everyone is in desperation for a taste of sugary goodness, you can hike up your prices for your chocolate and cookies and even just bags of pure baking sugar. After they give you much needed ammunition and gasoline and blankets, you can give them a few Hershey's bars and be on your way. And you can even keep plenty for yourself.

In the beginning, no one is going to take you seriously. But the longer you wait to trade your confections, the greater thirst for them, and the greater the rewards.

I must be a genius.


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I'm feeling bored again

My sister... she's something, isn't she? What a cover up.

...and I'm bored. My school science fair is happening soon, so I suppose that I can look forward to that. But other than that, I don't have much to do besides watching anime and going on Tumblr. So I just kind of wandered on here, and since I know no one is going to read this, I can ramble. IIIIIIMMMMM HEEEEERRREEE! Great.  And it wasn't a cover up, Alex actually (turns out) is moving tomorrow :( we did kiss once though. Now my sister Liz over here ;) went to a little party and had a little fun with a super hot senior. nothing TOOOO rowdy happened,I just walked in on a make out session that would have made Toby happy. Now Toby was getting it on with a blond beach babe who was a freshman with our brother. Now it was a one night stand like always but I walked into the room trying to find Liz (which I discovered drunk in the next room over with Mr.McHottyPants) THAT. NEVER. HAPPENED. Ronan, I can't believe you! How can you be so immature?! I am much more responsible than that! Darling, dear. They spiked your drink MAJORLY. so of course you wouldn't remember ANY of it. No, I don't do things like that. And anyways, I was TRICKED into going to that party! I was told that I was just going to be hanging out with a couple of their buddies.Fine i was over exaggerating just a bit. But me and Liz walked into the room and heard many noises so we laughed and out pops Toby's head from under the covers, needless to say, our mom doesn't know and we will forever embarrass him I mean he's only 14 and doing that is gross, even for our age. I forgive you. Anyhow, yes, what he was doing is disgusting. It's illegal, it's gross, it's irresponsible and dangerous... but I suppose that there's not much that we can do about it. I SAY WE LOCK HIM IN HIS ROOM AND GROUND HIS FAT BUTT. Well sooner or later he will forget protection and i'll be an Aunt :) Love Ronan and Liz (kisses!)

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Alex is moving to Florida in a few weeks. But its fine, we were never dating, sure we liked each other a little bit but we were pranking Liz who is not so happy about it! We were just messing around. He is still drinking but is seeking help and has quite drugs! YAY! now here comes the drama. I really like this one guy, who just so happens to be my best friend. Heres what i like about him;
  1. He's a inch taller than me
  2. he's my best friend
  3. he's sweet
  4. he's not a wimp 
  5. he's caring
  6. I can tell him anything
  7. He's funny
  8. He's drop dead gorgeous!
  9. he's understanding
  10. He's adorable 
Liz will not be happy about this, because you may think, oh its her best guy friend that should be easy! wrong. I only have guy friends, So, sorry Liz!!! I have to go!! love you guys!!!!
~Ronan :)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I'm shaking a little

I feel like I've been dunked in cold water.

I don't want to say I'm upset, but simply shocked is an understatement.

I swore to myself I wouldn't have a crush again. And NOT because of what Ronan said! I don't hold such silly grudges for so long; I was eleven and now I'm almost sixteen! Sure, I still hate Marisol and Arthur and Dixie, but that's not the point! He liked someone else, and I couldn't have done anything about that. The reason I hate crushing is that I get so flustered and awkward and it never lasts long and it's just more embarrassment and mess than I need! So I told myself, "No more crushes."

And oh, did I try so, so hard. I tried so hard not to have a crush. I'm such good friends with them, I'm always texting them, I do things for them... I couldn't help it... I just couldn't. I denied it with everything but I still knew that I liked them deep down. And I absolutely hated myself for it.

So I wanted to know if I had a chance, any chance at all. Since I'm such good friends with them, of course I have access to some better kept information, right? So I asked them who their crush is... yeah, the truth bites.

I just need to compose myself. Keep telling myself that I never liked them in the first place, keep telling myself all the reasons that I couldn't have, it was all just an illusion of the mind. A strong friendship, that's it.

But it's hard.


Boys and more drama

Liz does not approve of Alex, OBVIOUSLY. And him and our brother have been friends for a long time, they could have been talking about anything when Liz heard them "mumbling"She is just freaking out, I wish she could just accept my decision. She may not like him but at least try to, im not "in love" with him, I just like him alot. It's not like we are going to get married or anything, but I feel like if I don't help him, who will? I have the chance to help him and i can, he needs me. He may still be drinking but he's taken a drug test before, he's clean. sure he may have drank a little bit before dinner but he wasn't drunk. He's a good guy sober, and he's really sweet. Liz is still held up on some things that happened to her awhile ago. Want me to explain i'm guessing? so her and Alex used to be friends a long time ago like when we were 11, he came to the beach with us, and Liz had a huge crush on him. He started hanging out with this one girl named Victoria well Liz was being the freak she is and happened to drag me along to spy on them, Victoria kissed Alex then ran away Alex smiled because it just so happened to be his first kiss but Liz was upset. Victoria never came back over but it's not like Alex cared, he's a guy. Liz has called him a player with no heart ever since. She is so lost in the memory of Alex hurting her that she can't even try to remember the old Alex. I just hope Liz will come around. She can hold a grudge so easily, but so can I just as much as her, but I don't have any reason to. Some people say i'm easy going, but i'm not. I try to look strong so much and people don't realize how much i'm breaking on the inside. You don't know how many times Iv'e come home and just broke down in Liz's arms crying because no matter how many sarcastic comments i make to the bullies they don't go away, they don't leave you alone. Well I have to go love you my little freaks!


Thursday, January 30, 2014

I do not like Alex.

That. Little. Brat. Thinking he can woo my sister and then just waltz into our house that night. I can't believe I had to cook for him. One of my favorite recipes, gone to waste by his consumption. If I had it my way, I wouldn't let him on our property. Or anywhere near it. He's encouraging our little brother, I swear by it! And he's so vile in all of his actions... and yet, Ronan still finds him so sweet... I could smell the alcohol on his breath! You know what he said at the dinner table? He said that Ronan "[had] a nice ass!" That pig! That absolute pig! And my mother, all she did was look down and shake her head. She didn't say anything. I wanted to scream at that thug right then and there, tell him to get out of our house, away from my sister. I'm not letting her get hurt by an irresponsible, godless man again! Ronan has to see that he is good for nothing! And before he left, he and Toby were talking in low voices, and they were in his room for a few minutes. They came out better buddies than they were before.

One of these days, I'm going to get him alone, and sock him right in the face. Or something. Maybe just yell at him. But you know what I mean!


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I'm a little bored...

I didn't get to writing yesterday. I did want to say, no matter how insignificant, that we gave our dog, Jackie, a bath. She smells nice now! I have a nice taste in shampoo (she used mine).

Hey, look, Ronan's here. I know she's going to hijack I'M HERE!!!!!! sorry I had a strange feeling of stealing the keyboard at that very second. I hope you had a Great day at school :) My day was good :) i finally got asked out by this totally hot guy :) his name is Alex and he's funny BUUUUT Liz doesn't like him whatsoever I'm telling you, Ronan, he's going to be just like our father. How can you not see past that?! Sure, he's good looking, but he is going to seriously hurt you in the long run. I swear to God he is getting high as we write! Oh my gosh. Alex would NEVER do anything to hurt me! why can't you just be happy for me? He USED to do drugs but he stopped, like three YEARS ago yes he still drinks but its better. Okay So let me continue. And he's had a rough past also okay?  You shouldn't have any tolerance. He's probably just hiding his addictions from you to make you like him more. And it's not like he's a good person, anyways! He flirts with girls behind your back all of the time! He doesn't look at you any differently than he does any girl that he just met. He may have heard about Toby, and wants to get closer to him, for some free weed or something! wait so Liz over here wants to judge Alex but OUR brother can sell/smoke whatever the heck he wants but my boyfriend who is a recovering drug addict can't talk to another girl while our brother is banging another girl in that room of his! I'm not saying that what our brother is doing is okay, but he keeps to himself while he does it. He doesn't drag you into anything. He doesn't hurt you. Alex is going to hurt you in every way he can. He's going to cheat on you, take without thank, gah...! Why can't you see that this is a terrible choice?! I'm telling you this because I care about you! i'm done arguing. But he's coming over tonight for dinner. And At least Toby likes him. Well I have to go get ready :) wish me luck!!!!!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Your in the presence of Ronan

Lizzy may be a little mad when she see's this but its just how i feel.
            So me and Liz tell each other everything right? Well When ever she talks bad about our father it kind of upsets me, because well, yes he may have been high, and drunk, yes he did hit us from time to time but it was just the substance speaking. Just because a person does drugs or drinks alcohol doesn't necessarily make a oneself a bad person, it just means you are making a bad decision. Dad was just an addict on these things. Liz was just hurt the most by it all because he was her hero, he was mine too but I looked past it all while for Liz it was alot harder because she thought he was perfect. While i knew he was hiding things. When he tried to stop doing those things he did it for us, for mom and for Toby. Liz just cant see that. I may not still be daddy's little girl but I know the reason he left. When he sent me and Liz a birthday card on our 13 birthday, Liz didn't even read it, while i opened mine it said, "Now i know you don't understand right now but i left for you're safety and because I was ashamed of my behavior" 

So don't look at addiction as if people are horrible people sent from Satin himself, they are just people making the wrong choices. Now the reason Toby is acting like dad still stumps me, maybe its because he hates him so much that the only thing to hide the pain is bringing girls home and smoke away his brain cells.

                                                      *kisses!* ~Ronan

You might want to know a little more about us...

Hello! Lizzy here. I know that no one is actually reading this blog, but I still think that I should introduce us a little more. Ronan and I are fifteen, going on sixteen in March. We live in Oregon with our younger brother, Toby, who is very naughty and suspicious (Especially after last night's adventure), and our mother, Alexis. Our father was a lying, cheating b******, who had countless affairs, and came home drunk and high only God knows how many times. He would hit us from time to time, especially mother, who with her kind heart would try to rehabilitate him. With no luck, of course. I hate him with such a fiery passion, and I always have. What did mother see in him?! Why did she stay with him? 

Love is an ugly thing, I suppose. Something that I have no interest in.

I would introduce us at length, but thinking about that terrible man just makes me steaming mad, and I am in no mood to write. Maybe later.

A picture of mine and Liz's trip to Fort Stevens in Oregon :)

Naked ladies (more like sluts) and pot!

Hello! oh my gosh. Mine and Lizzy's little brother Toby (*walks into Ronan's room* Oh hey, let's write this together! [whether you like it or not!]) *dramatic eye roll* So our little brother Toby, has yet ANOTHER girl over in his room with the door closed, what could POSSIBLY go wrong?!?!?! And when our mom isn't home, too. That sneaky little thing, he knows mom doesn't like him having girls over. And have you noticed that it's a different one ever time? EWWWWW i just heard a bed spring creak. He's disgusting. one time me and Liz walked in on him and a girl full on making out it was gross. He's our FREAKING BABY BROTHER! And it doesn't help that he wasn't fully dressed... (let's hope he never finds this blog, omg)Just to add to Liz's statement: the chick wasn't fully dressed either, Now go on Liz... He's only a year and a half younger than us, anyways. He's not so much a baby. 
Hes not a baby huh?
1) he still watches cartoons
2)he's just a little bit of a cry baby.
3)Doesn't know how to handle his "feelings"
4) always being a sneaky little brat and hiding things from us
5) by cartoons we mean freaking sponge bob square pants :D
Spongebob is quality entertainment. (face palm)Don't just take the keyboard from me! Spongebob is perfect for any age, with humor appealing to not only the youngest but mature, grown adults... and not so mature adults... he's still a baby. Hey Liz, wanna go bust him? As scared as I am to see what's inside, I'm still extremely tempted to see. We can always make fun of him on here later. :D

5 minutes later
(green is when we talk together) 
Let us Recap what we saw...
so, we got up to leave right and we heard "vocal sounds" (subtle, yet disturbing) and so we creaked the door open just enough to peer in and some pretty intense things were going on (not so subtle, yet extremely disturbing, I agree.) and it was getting as steamy as hot potato crisps. Then she stops shoving her tongue down his throat (just long enough, and I was about to puke right there in the hallway, I felt the same way) and stood up (that was 90% of her I would have preferred to NOT see.) and picked her jacket up off the ground,"oh one sec babe, I brought what you wanted ;)" she then pulled FREAKING POT OUT OF HER POCKET!!!!! (Liz I told you he was getting more stupid.) "Sweet! I'm gonna make you scream really loud tonight ;)" (I threw up in my mouth a little. Did our Baby brother just say that? its okay. Revenge SUCKS and he will pay his debt for scarring our soul's forever. I'm more worried about the strong possibility that our brother is a prostitute.) "Well baby lets get down to business and I can't wait for tonight ;)" so right when he was about to break out a bong and kill about 20 more brain cells I strut into the room with Liz gaping after me I say "Yo! Baby brother! hit me up dude!"  then I pretended to realize that they were half naked so my very subtle self said "IS THIS A NUDE PARTY!!! let me in!" the party ended when i went to strip off my shirt and Toby screamed at me and The slut left. Score for the big sisters :) he will thank us later in life, hopefully.
Liz & Ronan


You are looking at the new owners of this fabulous blog! 
from now on Lizzy will be posting in this color: BLUE!
And I, Ronan shall be posting in this color: SOME PINKISH PURPLE COLOR THAT I CANNOT EXPLAIN!
we will be posting about our daily life and will answer questions if you have any!
(But nothing too personal!)
we will also write fan-fictions for our fandoms/obsessions 
(I LOVE PERCY JACKSON!!!!! and Liz loves some anime crap)
(HEY! It's not crap, it's quality entertainment! YOU STILL OWE ME EIGHT AND A HALF EPISODES!)
 hope you enjoy our blog! Have a super duper dandy day! :) *kisses*

...we are watching those episodes soon, Ronan. whether you like it or not.