Saturday, January 25, 2014

You might want to know a little more about us...

Hello! Lizzy here. I know that no one is actually reading this blog, but I still think that I should introduce us a little more. Ronan and I are fifteen, going on sixteen in March. We live in Oregon with our younger brother, Toby, who is very naughty and suspicious (Especially after last night's adventure), and our mother, Alexis. Our father was a lying, cheating b******, who had countless affairs, and came home drunk and high only God knows how many times. He would hit us from time to time, especially mother, who with her kind heart would try to rehabilitate him. With no luck, of course. I hate him with such a fiery passion, and I always have. What did mother see in him?! Why did she stay with him? 

Love is an ugly thing, I suppose. Something that I have no interest in.

I would introduce us at length, but thinking about that terrible man just makes me steaming mad, and I am in no mood to write. Maybe later.


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