Saturday, January 25, 2014

Your in the presence of Ronan

Lizzy may be a little mad when she see's this but its just how i feel.
            So me and Liz tell each other everything right? Well When ever she talks bad about our father it kind of upsets me, because well, yes he may have been high, and drunk, yes he did hit us from time to time but it was just the substance speaking. Just because a person does drugs or drinks alcohol doesn't necessarily make a oneself a bad person, it just means you are making a bad decision. Dad was just an addict on these things. Liz was just hurt the most by it all because he was her hero, he was mine too but I looked past it all while for Liz it was alot harder because she thought he was perfect. While i knew he was hiding things. When he tried to stop doing those things he did it for us, for mom and for Toby. Liz just cant see that. I may not still be daddy's little girl but I know the reason he left. When he sent me and Liz a birthday card on our 13 birthday, Liz didn't even read it, while i opened mine it said, "Now i know you don't understand right now but i left for you're safety and because I was ashamed of my behavior" 

So don't look at addiction as if people are horrible people sent from Satin himself, they are just people making the wrong choices. Now the reason Toby is acting like dad still stumps me, maybe its because he hates him so much that the only thing to hide the pain is bringing girls home and smoke away his brain cells.

                                                      *kisses!* ~Ronan

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