Saturday, January 25, 2014


You are looking at the new owners of this fabulous blog! 
from now on Lizzy will be posting in this color: BLUE!
And I, Ronan shall be posting in this color: SOME PINKISH PURPLE COLOR THAT I CANNOT EXPLAIN!
we will be posting about our daily life and will answer questions if you have any!
(But nothing too personal!)
we will also write fan-fictions for our fandoms/obsessions 
(I LOVE PERCY JACKSON!!!!! and Liz loves some anime crap)
(HEY! It's not crap, it's quality entertainment! YOU STILL OWE ME EIGHT AND A HALF EPISODES!)
 hope you enjoy our blog! Have a super duper dandy day! :) *kisses*

...we are watching those episodes soon, Ronan. whether you like it or not.

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