Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Boys and more drama

Liz does not approve of Alex, OBVIOUSLY. And him and our brother have been friends for a long time, they could have been talking about anything when Liz heard them "mumbling"She is just freaking out, I wish she could just accept my decision. She may not like him but at least try to, im not "in love" with him, I just like him alot. It's not like we are going to get married or anything, but I feel like if I don't help him, who will? I have the chance to help him and i can, he needs me. He may still be drinking but he's taken a drug test before, he's clean. sure he may have drank a little bit before dinner but he wasn't drunk. He's a good guy sober, and he's really sweet. Liz is still held up on some things that happened to her awhile ago. Want me to explain i'm guessing? so her and Alex used to be friends a long time ago like when we were 11, he came to the beach with us, and Liz had a huge crush on him. He started hanging out with this one girl named Victoria well Liz was being the freak she is and happened to drag me along to spy on them, Victoria kissed Alex then ran away Alex smiled because it just so happened to be his first kiss but Liz was upset. Victoria never came back over but it's not like Alex cared, he's a guy. Liz has called him a player with no heart ever since. She is so lost in the memory of Alex hurting her that she can't even try to remember the old Alex. I just hope Liz will come around. She can hold a grudge so easily, but so can I just as much as her, but I don't have any reason to. Some people say i'm easy going, but i'm not. I try to look strong so much and people don't realize how much i'm breaking on the inside. You don't know how many times Iv'e come home and just broke down in Liz's arms crying because no matter how many sarcastic comments i make to the bullies they don't go away, they don't leave you alone. Well I have to go love you my little freaks!


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