Thursday, January 30, 2014

I do not like Alex.

That. Little. Brat. Thinking he can woo my sister and then just waltz into our house that night. I can't believe I had to cook for him. One of my favorite recipes, gone to waste by his consumption. If I had it my way, I wouldn't let him on our property. Or anywhere near it. He's encouraging our little brother, I swear by it! And he's so vile in all of his actions... and yet, Ronan still finds him so sweet... I could smell the alcohol on his breath! You know what he said at the dinner table? He said that Ronan "[had] a nice ass!" That pig! That absolute pig! And my mother, all she did was look down and shake her head. She didn't say anything. I wanted to scream at that thug right then and there, tell him to get out of our house, away from my sister. I'm not letting her get hurt by an irresponsible, godless man again! Ronan has to see that he is good for nothing! And before he left, he and Toby were talking in low voices, and they were in his room for a few minutes. They came out better buddies than they were before.

One of these days, I'm going to get him alone, and sock him right in the face. Or something. Maybe just yell at him. But you know what I mean!


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I'm a little bored...

I didn't get to writing yesterday. I did want to say, no matter how insignificant, that we gave our dog, Jackie, a bath. She smells nice now! I have a nice taste in shampoo (she used mine).

Hey, look, Ronan's here. I know she's going to hijack I'M HERE!!!!!! sorry I had a strange feeling of stealing the keyboard at that very second. I hope you had a Great day at school :) My day was good :) i finally got asked out by this totally hot guy :) his name is Alex and he's funny BUUUUT Liz doesn't like him whatsoever I'm telling you, Ronan, he's going to be just like our father. How can you not see past that?! Sure, he's good looking, but he is going to seriously hurt you in the long run. I swear to God he is getting high as we write! Oh my gosh. Alex would NEVER do anything to hurt me! why can't you just be happy for me? He USED to do drugs but he stopped, like three YEARS ago yes he still drinks but its better. Okay So let me continue. And he's had a rough past also okay?  You shouldn't have any tolerance. He's probably just hiding his addictions from you to make you like him more. And it's not like he's a good person, anyways! He flirts with girls behind your back all of the time! He doesn't look at you any differently than he does any girl that he just met. He may have heard about Toby, and wants to get closer to him, for some free weed or something! wait so Liz over here wants to judge Alex but OUR brother can sell/smoke whatever the heck he wants but my boyfriend who is a recovering drug addict can't talk to another girl while our brother is banging another girl in that room of his! I'm not saying that what our brother is doing is okay, but he keeps to himself while he does it. He doesn't drag you into anything. He doesn't hurt you. Alex is going to hurt you in every way he can. He's going to cheat on you, take without thank, gah...! Why can't you see that this is a terrible choice?! I'm telling you this because I care about you! i'm done arguing. But he's coming over tonight for dinner. And At least Toby likes him. Well I have to go get ready :) wish me luck!!!!!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Your in the presence of Ronan

Lizzy may be a little mad when she see's this but its just how i feel.
            So me and Liz tell each other everything right? Well When ever she talks bad about our father it kind of upsets me, because well, yes he may have been high, and drunk, yes he did hit us from time to time but it was just the substance speaking. Just because a person does drugs or drinks alcohol doesn't necessarily make a oneself a bad person, it just means you are making a bad decision. Dad was just an addict on these things. Liz was just hurt the most by it all because he was her hero, he was mine too but I looked past it all while for Liz it was alot harder because she thought he was perfect. While i knew he was hiding things. When he tried to stop doing those things he did it for us, for mom and for Toby. Liz just cant see that. I may not still be daddy's little girl but I know the reason he left. When he sent me and Liz a birthday card on our 13 birthday, Liz didn't even read it, while i opened mine it said, "Now i know you don't understand right now but i left for you're safety and because I was ashamed of my behavior" 

So don't look at addiction as if people are horrible people sent from Satin himself, they are just people making the wrong choices. Now the reason Toby is acting like dad still stumps me, maybe its because he hates him so much that the only thing to hide the pain is bringing girls home and smoke away his brain cells.

                                                      *kisses!* ~Ronan

You might want to know a little more about us...

Hello! Lizzy here. I know that no one is actually reading this blog, but I still think that I should introduce us a little more. Ronan and I are fifteen, going on sixteen in March. We live in Oregon with our younger brother, Toby, who is very naughty and suspicious (Especially after last night's adventure), and our mother, Alexis. Our father was a lying, cheating b******, who had countless affairs, and came home drunk and high only God knows how many times. He would hit us from time to time, especially mother, who with her kind heart would try to rehabilitate him. With no luck, of course. I hate him with such a fiery passion, and I always have. What did mother see in him?! Why did she stay with him? 

Love is an ugly thing, I suppose. Something that I have no interest in.

I would introduce us at length, but thinking about that terrible man just makes me steaming mad, and I am in no mood to write. Maybe later.

A picture of mine and Liz's trip to Fort Stevens in Oregon :)

Naked ladies (more like sluts) and pot!

Hello! oh my gosh. Mine and Lizzy's little brother Toby (*walks into Ronan's room* Oh hey, let's write this together! [whether you like it or not!]) *dramatic eye roll* So our little brother Toby, has yet ANOTHER girl over in his room with the door closed, what could POSSIBLY go wrong?!?!?! And when our mom isn't home, too. That sneaky little thing, he knows mom doesn't like him having girls over. And have you noticed that it's a different one ever time? EWWWWW i just heard a bed spring creak. He's disgusting. one time me and Liz walked in on him and a girl full on making out it was gross. He's our FREAKING BABY BROTHER! And it doesn't help that he wasn't fully dressed... (let's hope he never finds this blog, omg)Just to add to Liz's statement: the chick wasn't fully dressed either, Now go on Liz... He's only a year and a half younger than us, anyways. He's not so much a baby. 
Hes not a baby huh?
1) he still watches cartoons
2)he's just a little bit of a cry baby.
3)Doesn't know how to handle his "feelings"
4) always being a sneaky little brat and hiding things from us
5) by cartoons we mean freaking sponge bob square pants :D
Spongebob is quality entertainment. (face palm)Don't just take the keyboard from me! Spongebob is perfect for any age, with humor appealing to not only the youngest but mature, grown adults... and not so mature adults... he's still a baby. Hey Liz, wanna go bust him? As scared as I am to see what's inside, I'm still extremely tempted to see. We can always make fun of him on here later. :D

5 minutes later
(green is when we talk together) 
Let us Recap what we saw...
so, we got up to leave right and we heard "vocal sounds" (subtle, yet disturbing) and so we creaked the door open just enough to peer in and some pretty intense things were going on (not so subtle, yet extremely disturbing, I agree.) and it was getting as steamy as hot potato crisps. Then she stops shoving her tongue down his throat (just long enough, and I was about to puke right there in the hallway, I felt the same way) and stood up (that was 90% of her I would have preferred to NOT see.) and picked her jacket up off the ground,"oh one sec babe, I brought what you wanted ;)" she then pulled FREAKING POT OUT OF HER POCKET!!!!! (Liz I told you he was getting more stupid.) "Sweet! I'm gonna make you scream really loud tonight ;)" (I threw up in my mouth a little. Did our Baby brother just say that? its okay. Revenge SUCKS and he will pay his debt for scarring our soul's forever. I'm more worried about the strong possibility that our brother is a prostitute.) "Well baby lets get down to business and I can't wait for tonight ;)" so right when he was about to break out a bong and kill about 20 more brain cells I strut into the room with Liz gaping after me I say "Yo! Baby brother! hit me up dude!"  then I pretended to realize that they were half naked so my very subtle self said "IS THIS A NUDE PARTY!!! let me in!" the party ended when i went to strip off my shirt and Toby screamed at me and The slut left. Score for the big sisters :) he will thank us later in life, hopefully.
Liz & Ronan


You are looking at the new owners of this fabulous blog! 
from now on Lizzy will be posting in this color: BLUE!
And I, Ronan shall be posting in this color: SOME PINKISH PURPLE COLOR THAT I CANNOT EXPLAIN!
we will be posting about our daily life and will answer questions if you have any!
(But nothing too personal!)
we will also write fan-fictions for our fandoms/obsessions 
(I LOVE PERCY JACKSON!!!!! and Liz loves some anime crap)
(HEY! It's not crap, it's quality entertainment! YOU STILL OWE ME EIGHT AND A HALF EPISODES!)
 hope you enjoy our blog! Have a super duper dandy day! :) *kisses*

...we are watching those episodes soon, Ronan. whether you like it or not.